Wrapping up the 2023!
2024 is here, and that means it’s time to wrap up 2023, which was kind of splendid for me. I want to present the most amazing projects I took part in last year, covering all the fields of my work - starting with murals, proceeding to art on canvas, and ending with designer objects. Let’s take a closer look.
The first of my projects was for T-Mobile Magenta Center. I had worked for the experience center once before, in 2021, when I designed a mural for the interior. Now I had the chance to include the famous "T" logo in my design, and it was a blast. Working with T-Mobile has always been a pleasure, now even more so. Here's how the "T" in the jungle looks:

2023 was not only about projects in the Czech Republic but also about traveling and discovering local graffiti and mural scenes. This year took me to Cyprus and Sardinia. I could discover a lot and had the chance to work with some local writers and artists. Both Cyprus and Sardinia offered me much inspiration to take back home.

The Assetio financial group wanted to create a comfortable and inspirational working environment. Once again, I worked with the company's name, combining it with my own style. Of course, a huge part of my inspiration came from money, which is a key element for Assetio. For the indoor mural at another company, Styl 2000, I could let my imagination loose a bit more. Still working for a company but having the space for my own original style was amazing.

Collaborating with Holokolo brought me back to my original field of study - working on clothes designs. Holokolo is an amazing company that focuses on original designs of bike clothes. I had a great time designing this piece of clothing. It’s new, it’s fresh, and it looks really good, at least I think so.

As every year, I took part in a few street art festivals. For the Walls festival in Plzeň, I created a huge mural using colors not typically seen in my work, but I think it turned out amazing. The mural is non-figural, with still-life elements that work well with its surroundings.

Regarding festivals, I also did a smaller job in my hometown, Olomouc, for the Street Art Festival that I co-founded. It was a collaboration with Brus. It was great to be back home once again for this year of the festival.
In my designer work, I launched two new series that have become significant for my recent work. The new series of silk scarves and twills are inspired, in one case, by rainforests and deforestation, and in the other case, by the famous French painter Henri Matisse. In both cases, I worked with the idea of luxury connecting with everyday streetwear. The silk scarves series, Amazonism, also extends the idea of the older scarf, Oceanism, raising awareness of the ecological responsibility we all have. The new series of ceramic vases is inspired by antiquity - you can see this fascination of mine in many of my paintings. The typical shape of an amphora is merged with graffiti and modern design.

Both of the mentioned designer works, along with many of my paintings, were exhibited at my "Call to Action" show in my hometown, Olomouc. "Call to Action" was quite satisfying for me, seeing all my work together in one place, under one concept. Working with the show's architect, Matěj Kos, and curator, Barbora Křížová, we created three separate spaces for three different dimensions of my works – art on canvas, product design, and NFTs. Many people showed up for the vernissage.
The last dimension of "Call to Action" was dedicated to my digital works. The last significant project I did last year covered exactly this area. The NFT "Wall of Fame" was dropped at Bueno.art. It was inspired by the famous Berlin Wall, creating walls in the metaverse.

The biggest work I did last year was huge outdoor mural for Traffin Oil company. I have never done anything this huge and I am really happy about the outcome. The 400m2 surface is covered by my mural since October and the AR animation is also in order!

Last year was amazing and full of surprises. I am looking forward to the next one!